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Training Services

Full training on different types of helicopter/aircraft starts from initial, transition, upgrade , type and instrument ratings

Full training on different types of helicopter/aircraft starts from initial, transition, upgrade , type and instrument ratings
We offer pilots initial and type rating training for different helicopter/aircraft ​. Our experts TRI & TRE works hand-in-hand with different approved ​ We provide the following pilot training program : Instrument Rating, revalidation and renewal. Crew Resource Management (CRM). Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT). Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC). Type Training Testing and Checking.
What are Our Services

Training Services

Full training on different types of helicopter/aircraft starts from initial, transition, upgrade , type and instrument ratings

Full training on different types of helicopter/aircraft starts from initial, transition, upgrade , type and instrument ratings

We offer pilots initial and type rating training for different helicopter/aircraft ​. Our experts TRI & TRE works hand-in-hand with different approved ​ We provide the following pilot training program : Instrument Rating, revalidation and renewal. Crew Resource Management (CRM). Line Oriented Flight Training (LOFT). Multi-Crew Cooperation (MCC). Type Training Testing and Checking.